The saying, “too much of anything is bad” may ring true for most instances, but definitely not in the case of Star Wars. Or if you’re like us, we’ve compiled a yearly list of all things Star Wars in one place – #SimiSaiAlsoStarWars
In light of the upcoming movie release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Philips has launched three new special edition Star Wars shavers, featuring fan favourites Stormtrooper, BB-8, and Poe Dameron, on their online platform.
You’d think with the many marketing attempts at promoting Star Wars, one would eventually cease to be amazed at the type of Star Wars-themed merchandise. Yet, the designs for these shavers are nothing short of sleek, cool, and creative – an ideal choice for both hardcore and casual fans alike, as per our review (Poe Dameron version).
For the more enthusiastic fans, there’s an even greater reason to rejoice – Philips will now be bringing these shavers from cyberspace to an offline space, in the form of a pop-up store.
Titled ‘Philips Master Your Shave’, the store will held at Civic Plaza in Bugis+ from 27 November to 3 December 2017, where one can afford a closer look at the never-before-seen designs.
For a full-on geek experience, be sure to transport yourself to a world far, far away with aesthetic photographs in a Star Wars box, or take one with the mascots of your favourite characters as well.
Never would I have linked the Star Wars franchise to a shaving tool, but I guess Philips has got that covered.