It might still take a couple of years before we finally get a proper entry in the BioShock franchise, but the folks over at 64 Bits have done it again. Following their awesome demake of God of War, the team has turned their sights to BioShock Infinite in the realm of the Super Nintendo.
Not only do we get the iconic moment when Booker DeWitt meets Elizabeth for the first time, but it is all done in gorgeous pixel art and the iconic sounds of the 16-bit era. Even getting started from the main menu of the “game” sets the stage perfectly for what is to come, transporting players into a retro Columbia.
Although we do not get any combat in this small snippet of things could be, the platforming shown off in this BioShock Infinite demake suggests that it could very well be viable for the franchise.
Seeing Booker make big jumps and narrowly avoid death with Elizabeth, before using the Sky-Hook to escape sure gets one excited yet again.
This marks 64 Bits’ third demake in a series of seven, with the abovementioned God of War, as well as a Monster Hunter demake for the Game Boy Colour.