
Borderlands 3 Confirmed? Gearbox’s Sneaky New Teaser Trailer Drops With Massive Hints

“Mayhem. Is. Coming.”

That’s the tagline of this mysterious new Borderlands trailer that just dropped on the pages of their social media. Dubbed “Masks of Mayhem“, this trailer may just herald the potential coming of Borderlands 3.

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It’s been nearly five years since we’ve gotten a new Borderlands game (not counting Telltale’s Tales From the Borderlands), and it’s high time we’ve learnt about the long-awaited proper sequel to 2012’s Borderlands 2.

Borderlands 2, still one of the greatest looter shooters to date.

This Thursday March 28 2pm EDT / Friday March 29 2am SGT, developer Gearbox Software will be hosting a live-streamed panel at PAX East to discuss this potential new entry in the looter-shooter franchise.

If one were to dig deeper into the trailer, one would notice a small light beeping at the top left of the video towards the middle portion. That’s Morse code, no doubt, and, thanks to some bright folks at Gamesradar, we’ve learnt that it reads “Count the Sirens“. Curious.

To jog your memory a little, Sirens are some of the most powerful beings to ever exist in the Borderlands universe. Throughout the three main games we’ve played so far, we’ve learnt that only six Sirens can exist at a time. So far, we’d known of four: Lilith from the original Borderlands; Maya from Borderlands 2, Commandant Steele from Borderlands; and Angel from Borderlands 2 ( the latter two of which are dead, meaning they’ve been reincarnated into two completely new characters, Dalai Lama-style).

The cryptic message “Count the Sirens” could only mean one thing – we’re most likely going to see the four other Sirens – whose abilities and personalities are still completely unknown to us – in some form or other, and this may also spell that the six Sirens might have a huge part to play in this upcoming Borderlands title.

But of course, this is all purely speculative, so there’s only one way to find out – PAX East later this week.