
Aliens, Blade Runner, Jurassic Park, And Robocop Reimagined As Anime!

Crossovers are a familiar concept across fandoms and serve as a bridge to different universes. When done well, they can evoke a great sense of wonder and awe, with particularly beautiful or highly imaginative art pieces reflecting the truth of how imagination knows no bounds. It’s a respectable craft, the answer to the wildest fantasies of fans, and a blessing to the community.

Russian freelance artist Dmitry Grozov, otherwise known as Ahriman, belongs to this sphere of talented individuals. Armed with an uncanny proficiency for transforming non-animated works into full-on anime goodness, his extensive portfolio includes Predator, Ghostbusters, Die Hard, Fifth Element, Judge Dredd, Beetlejuice, and Terminator, in addition to the above (Aliens, Blade Runner, Jurassic Park, and RoboCop).

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A small but undeniably impressive glimpse of his artistic prowess, Ahriman’s other works may be viewed on Instagram, VK, and ArtStation.

Aliens / Alien 3

Blade Runner / Blade Runner 2049

Jurassic Park

RoboCop / RoboCop 2

Terminator / Terminator 2


Judge Dredd

Fifth Element


All image credits go to Ahriman.

Hats off to Ahriman – this art collection is indeed an art gem waiting to be unearthed by more in the community!