
Experience Greater Terror with The Evil Within 2’s First-Person Mode

Here’s the thing about fans of the horror genre: Fear must be experienced at the highest of levels. No matter how scary something is, if there’s a way to crank up the fear meter, then the ante should be upped – there’s no question about it.

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After all, there’s just something about being engulfed in a blanket of sheer, gripping terror, and the feeling of adrenaline pumping through one’s veins. It’s the feeling of being alive, the addictive rush of thrill, and high-strung anticipation of the unknown.

That’s exactly how playing Bethesda’s The Evil Within 2 is like – and from a third-person perspective, no less.

Now, imagine getting even closer to the stuff of nightmares in the game’s newest feature, the first-person mode. Where gore, hideous creatures, and the horrific, brilliant world of Union were once terrifying, they have amplified to extremely petrifying volumes.

The 40-second reel, while short, promises more moments of heart-stopping fear, surprised shouts, and intentional jump scares. Seasoned players will also know that the depth perception that comes with the first-person angle allows for blind spots by the sides and back, which makes the entire experience feel more immersive and authentic.

Changing to first person is as simple as flipping a switch in the menu, and should the terrors prove to be overly-frightening, swapping back to the original third-person view is always an option. It’s a nice little alternative for players who wish to see the world of The Evil Within 2 through main protagonist Sebastian’s eyes, and have a better look at the detailed environments and enemies up close.

For those without a copy of the game, Bethesda is also offering a free trial for the opening chapters, including the first-person mode. Should an upgrade to the full version be made, all save data will be carried over, saving players from the hassle of going through everything again. With a 50% off its price tag till February 19, 2018 on Steam, and February 20, 2018 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, it sure comes as a sweet deal for interested parties.

Have fun, and embrace the nightmare!