
He-Man Beat-em-up Game Based on the 80s Cartoon? Hell Yeah!

If you remembered watching the 1983 He-Man and the Masters of the Universe TV series and had fond childhood memories of it, you’re going to appreciate this side-scrolling beat-em-up PC game put together by a group of fans. As a result, they managed to put together a playable kick-ass He-Man videogame demo in the vein of the TMNT arcade games. I love how the visuals/animations and audio remain true to the original series, cheesy, but goooood, just the way its meant to be!

hemangameHere’s what the creator, mersox had to say: “The Filmation cartoons, because of their constant use of stock animation, kind of looked like a videogame in many occasions. So I was thinking of how cool it would be to see an Openbor game with graphics ripped directly from the He-Man and She-Ra DVDs. The resolution of the module would be 720×480, the closest to the resolution of the DVDs.”

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Check out the gameplay footage below, then give it a go yourself and let us know what you think of it! The PC demo is pretty comprehensive. You can to play as either He-Man, Orko, Man-at-Arms or The Sorceress, across 9 stages and 1 boss fight even, download it HERE (Google Drive) or HERE (zippyshare).