
Netflix’s Stranger Things: The Game Sets the Mood for Season Two!

With season two of the acclaimed Netflix series, Stranger Things, about to arrive on every screen you have on October 27, why not take some time to reacquaint yourself with the denizens and landmarks of the show with Stranger Things: The Game?

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Best of all, it is completely free and perfectly reimagined like an 80’s adventure game, especially with its pixel art and chiptune soundtrack.

Hopper, Nancy, and the boys of the show are all playable, each with their own unique ability to solve the various puzzles. You can also visit locales like Mirkwood Forest, Hawkins Lab, and even the Upside-Down!

The game also acts as a teaser for season two, challenging players to “collect all the Eggos and Gnomes. Complete the full VHS library. Check off all the achievements. Who knows what secret characters or exclusive, never-before-seen-footage- of-Season-2 they might unlock …”

With two difficulty levels to choose from, this is some amazing fan service from the folks over at Netflix, and is perfect for any fan to get into the mood again for Stranger Things.

Stranger Things: The Game is available now on the iTunes store and Google Play Store.