
Secretlab Chairs Now Offer Corporate Branding Customisations

Secretlab seems to have made it. When a brand is confident enough to strip away its identity to allow another company to put in theirs speaks volumes. And of course, it’s going to come at a price.

I’m pretty sure the Overwatch chair was a testbed to see if it was possible to pique interest from other video game companies but Secretlab is taking it one step further to allow companies to customize the entirety of the chair.

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Imagine this, being able to sit in comfort in the office and then going home to sit in the same comfort. The only moment of discomfort would be your commute home. If you’re a HR or procurement person, we’re sure you’d want the best for your staff. After all, these chairs are even good enough to sleep in so why even encourage them to go home when they can make the office the second place of residence.

Customised Logo Embroidery
Customised Logo Embroidery

Dystopian references aside, Secretlab is allowing full customisations when it comes to the flagship chair, the Omega, with logo embroidery, leather accents and coloured stitching while retaining everything else we loved about the chair. All you need to worry about is if your company is cool enough to have an awesome logo and corporate colours you are proud to lean back on everyday.

We imagined if Geek Culture made our own chairs it probably would look something like the above.

Bosses, if you want productive staff who will love you to bits, look no further, a mass order of Secretlab chairs is in order.