
William Shatner To Retire From Playing Star Trek’s Captain Kirk

In the age of reboots, remakes and sequels, many beloved IPs and franchises have been brought back to the forefront, at times in some desperate attempt to remain relevant. However, some who have the chance to do so ultimately turn down the opportunity, because they feel that there is nothing else to add to their character’s arc.

In the case of the Star Trek franchise, William Shatner has ruled out all possibility of him reprising his iconic role of Captain James T. Kirk in any capacity, be it a cameo or full guest appearance.

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His declaration came about on Twitter, amid fan questions of Captain Kirk possibly appearing in future episodes of Star Trek: Picard, to which he responded with a simple but resounding “no”. The main reason was that Shatner felt that the iconic Starfleet officer’s character arc is “pretty played out at this point”, so he doesn’t see a need to revisit the character or explore new avenues with him.

While it could’ve been mouth-watering to see Shatner reprise his role alongside Patrick Stewart’s titular Jean-Luc Picard and Whoopi Goldberg’s Guinan to replicate their days together on Star Trek: The Next Generation back in the 1990s, it just means Trekkies have to accept the fact that some characters have simply moved on.

Regardless, there is still plenty of Star Trek to look forward to, with the upcoming fourth main movie and Picard Season 2 already in the works.