
Concept Art From Unmade Star Wars: Duel Of The Fates Leaked And It Looks Sick

Ever thought about how Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker would have looked like if it was done differently? Well, feast your eyes on more unused concept art! For those who don’t know, Star Wars Episode IX would’ve been called ‘Duel of the Fates’ if Disney had used Colin Trevorrow’s script instead of J.J. Abrams‘. And if we’re being honest, Trevorrow’s ‘Duel of the Fates’ script was much better.

Duel of the fates
Kylo fights Vader during cave sequence

Leaked on Youtube, Trevorrow’s script would’ve introduced a whole new narrative, new art and a different villain in the film, Sith Master Tor Valum. Kylo Ren would’ve remained on the Dark Side, haunted by the ghost of Luke Skywalker in Darth Vader’s old castle. In one sequence, Kylo would’ve actually fought Vader himself.

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Viewers would have gotten to see a First-Order occupied Coruscant and the battle that followed it – a battle that destroyed R2-D2 (yes, our hearts hurt too) and Rey would have had a double-bladed lightsaber like the fans always wanted.

Curious to see how that would’ve looked like? Here’s a gallery of leaked concept art from the unmade film!

They look so sick, don’t they? Man, we would have loved to see this on the big screen!