Donnie Yen

Donnie Yen Will Be In Singapore For Ip Man 4: The Finale (葉問4: 完结篇) Premiere

The tale of the legendary martial artist is coming to a close. The iconic Ip Man series starring Donnie Yen will release the last movie on December 20th, going head to head with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker which is opening the day before.

To commemorate the end of such a beloved movie franchise, the master himself, Donnie Yen will be coming down to Singapore for his Ip Man 4: The Finale tour on December 9 and 10. Maybe he’s also here to check out more open houses.

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Ip Man 4: The Finale

Here is the synopsis for the film:

Ip Man’s life remains unchanged after his wife’s death, but he and his son are slowly drifting apart. To seek a better future for his son, Ip Man decides to travel to the U.S. only to find the stable, peaceful life abroad is only skin deep. Underneath lies a deep-rooted racial discrimination that is far worse than he has expected. Ip Man re-examines his position and ponders on the reason he took up martial arts in the beginning.