
Ubisoft’s Skull & Bones To Proceed With “New Vision” But Won’t Appear In Next Ubisoft Forward

It’s no secret that Ubisoft’s naval action-adventure game Skull & Bones has had a troubled production to say the least, with the game’s release being delayed again and again. 

However, according to a recent update from the game’s creative director Elisabeth Pellen on the game’s development, production for Skull & Bones is now “in full swing with a new vision” and the team at Ubisoft Singapore will be “fully committed to launching the game, as well as supporting it for many years to come.”

“Many of you have been wondering why we’ve had to postpone our launch. The answer is that we simply needed more time,” Pellen added.  “We dreamt something bigger for Skull & Bones, and these ambitions naturally came with bigger challenges.”

The bigger challenges have inevitably led to “necessary delays”, according to Pellen. 

“Critical questions needed to be addressed over the past several months such as: how do we modernize the classic pirate fantasy? How do we ensure a more immersive and visceral experience? How do we create cool and memorable moments in-game? For most of these questions to be answered, it was clear that we needed more development time.”

Pellen also confirmed that the game will not be making an appearance at the next Ubisoft Forward but states that they are “working on plans to present Skull & Bones sometime in the future. It will be worth the wait.”

“We’re proud of the work we’ve done and we hope you will be too when you see more of Skull & Bones at our comeback next year,” Pellen said. 

“Until then, on behalf of everyone in the Skull & Bones team around the world, keep safe and we will see you again soon!”