Inspiring hope is one of the characteristic elements of the superhero genre, so it’s only natural that Tsuburaya Productions, the studio behind the Ultraman series, is using that as a basis for its new initiative, which seeks to bring encouragement and support in the trying times of COVID-19.

Titled Stay At Home With Ultraman, the weekly video distribution programme is set to bring 10 carefully-selected episodes to viewers, with each rallying a heartening message of positivity. The episodes will be released on Tsburaya’s Ultraman Official YouTube channel every Sunday at 10am (GMT+7) starting from 3 May 2020, and are made available for viewing until the end of June. The final video, meanwhile, is slated to run till end-July.
Fans are also encouraged to interact with one another in real time when watching the 10am episode premiere. Details of the selected screenings and their accompanying message are as follows:
- 3 May: Don’t lose your kindness. – Ultraman Ace #52, “You are the Ace of Tomorrow!”
- 10 May: Do what you can. – Ultraman #37, “A Little Hero”
- 17 May: Connect with others. – Ultraman Max #15, “Miracle of the Third Planet”
- 24 May: Work to save lives. – Ultraman Mebius #33, “The Woman with Blue Fire”
- 31 May: Combine our strengths. – Ultraman Taro #34, “The Last Day of the 6 Ultra Brothers!”
- 7 June: You build the future. – Ultraman Dyna #20, “The Alien Boy”
- 14 June: We connect at any distance. – Ultraman Cosmos #42, “Friends”
- 21 June: Be brave. – Return of Ultraman #51, “The Five Oaths of Ultra”
- 28 June: The power to believe. – Booska #4, “Booska Goes to the Moon”
- 5 July: Don’t give up! – Ultraman Nexus #37, “Nexus”

Ultraman’s optimism and positivity is a bright beacon in a world engulfed in bleakness, and we can always do with more of that. The tokusatsu superhero may not be the newest one out there, but he certainly is a familiar, comforting presence.