
StarHub Customers Can Get Disney+ Singapore For FREE

First some math.

A Disney+ subscription in Singapore costs S$11.98 per month or S$119.98 per year. You can subscribe directly for Disney+ in Singapore but for StarHub customers, it could get sweeter.

There are 3 customer groups within StarHub who will get Disney+ for free, they are existing and new –

  • TV+ customers
  • 2Gbps fibre broadband customers
  • S$95 or S$155 mobile phone price plan customers

At a quick glance, the customer groups who typically enjoy free Disney+ in Singapore would be folks who are locked into a contract. It’s not something quite financially prudent these days but some users have unique circumstances. For example, maybe they’d like to get the latest Samsung S21 without having to shell out a big initial cost.

IRL image of us looking into the math.

Regardless, let’s do the math to see which customer group in StarHub gets the best value for Disney+ in Singapore.

For StarHub TV+ customers

Firstly, you’d need to sign up for 2 TV+ Passes, the cheapest here being Filipino / Indian / Malay content for S$15 per pass.

This adds up the monthly outlay to S$30 per month and you’d need to sign up for a minimum of 24 months.

Thus, this brings up the cost to S$720. With Disney+ Singapore costing S$119.98 per year and you get 2 years free, the math works out to S$480.04 over 24 months.

For StarHub 2Gbps Fibre Broadband customers

Based on the current deal, broadband customers will have a monthly outlay of S$62.90 per month. The first month is free with a minimum contract of 24 months.

This brings up the total cost of S$1446.70 for a service which is more or less essential for the home.

Discounting the Disney+ offer, broadband customers only get a 12-month deal. So that works out to S$1326.72 over 24 months.

What’s cool here is that if you have 1 more month left on your fibre broadband plan, StarHub will give you 12 months of Disney+ as long as you remain a customer. Same applies for mobile phone customers below.

For StarHub S$95 or S$155 mobile phone price plan customers

This is probably the most expensive offer, or could be the cheapest if your company covers your mobile phone plan.

For S$95, the total cost across 24 months would come up to S$2280. Discounting the Disney+ 1 year offer, this works out to S$2160.02 over 24 months.

For S$95, the total cost across 24 months would come up to S$2760. Discounting the Disney+ 1 year offer, this works out to S$2640.02 over 24 months.

This doesn’t include all the additional value-added service one might grab together with the mobile phone plan and the mobile phone initial outlay.

A “free” Disney+ subscription isn’t as free as it seems.

Some points to note

  • StarHub customers will be informed progressively to activate their free Disney+ subscription via the StarHub mobile app.
  • The Disney+ subscription will end the moment a customer ends their StarHub services.
  • Customers will be able to choose an email of their choice to activate Disney+.

    This is important because this means your email is not locked down by StarHub and users will have a choice to subscribe directly to Disney themselves in the future. This saves all your viewing history and profiles.

Here’s a handy table to give you the numbers at a glance:

Total Cost (24 months)Disney+ CostFinal Cost
Fibre BroadbandS$1446.70S$119.98S$1326.72
Mobile Phone (S$95)S$2280S$119.98S$2160.02
Mobile Phone ($155)S$2760S$119.98S$2640.02

If it were up to us to decide, the free Disney+ subscription makes the most sense for fibre broadband customers considering it would be an essential utility in this day and age. While it might make more sense to get Disney+ direct, this is still a nice perk for existing and new StarHub customers.