
Singapore Toy, Game & Comic Convention (STGCC) 2017: Toys Edition

The Singapore Toy, Game and Comic Convention 2017 has just ended, and over two days, visitors got to see some great comic book artists, dabbled in some games, and got an eyeful of beautiful toys that were displayed on the floor.

Just in case you did not have the time to wade through the crowds and check out all the toy goodness, no worries, Geek Culture has got you covered!

Most noteworthy has to be the XM Studios’ collection, just see how detailed and awesome these interpretations of our beloved characters are!

Some local flavour coming up with Mr Kiasu and Ah Kow!

Awesome Kinetiquettes’ stuff as usual!

The H.M.O Morrigan is to die for!

And to end it all off, Batman and the Hulk!