Over the weekend in Singapore, we had our first 5km zombie obstacle course and based on what I’ve seen an heard it appears that it was a resounding success in most instances. One thing is for certain though, zombie fever pitch has still yet to reach saturation over in this part of the globe.
I’d say the best makeup for the day goes to The Walking Dead team, they ARE the experts in this field.
If I had a say in it, my zombies would be handing out brains instead of cupcakes. Too Halloween and not enough apocalyptic zombie infestation.
Here’s a POV view of what one of the runners for Race The Dead 2013 went through. Not bad for a maiden event.
Come 2014, the brains now lie with Run For Your Lives Asia, who touts themselves as the original zombie race. Early bird tickets still available from now will 31 October 2013.
Do catch Fox Movies Premium’s The Walking Dead on SingTel mio TV Ch. 414 at 10pm for your weekly zombie fix without all the running and sweat. Prime zombie feast you are.
All images credit to FOX Movies Premium.
Gerald currently straddles between his love of video games and board gaming. There’s nothing that interests him more than trying out the newest and fanciest gadget in town as well. He dreams of publishing a board game sometime in the future!