Earlier this week, Sony announced the launch of PlayStation Productions, which was specially created to adapt their original IPs into films and TV shows. There were many wondering what titles were going to be produced and as it turns out, the team at PlayStation Productions is already working on a Twisted Metal TV show.
The reveal came via Sony Pictures Entertainment chairman and CEO Tony Vinciquerra, who shared the news to investors at a special event.
“We have a TV show we just agreed to get underway that will be developed from IP on PlayStation, it’s called Twisted Metal. It’s a game that was put out many years ago and we’re going to develop a TV series out of that,” Vinciquerra shared.
Aside from Twisted Metal, Vinciquerra also confirmed that the Uncharted adaptation, starring Spider-Man: Far From Home’s Tom Holland, is already in “advanced development”.
Twisted Metal was first released in 1995 and had players fighting demolition derby-style with the use of ballistic projectiles and machine guns. David Jaffe, one of the designers of the game, has already offered to help out on the production of the TV show.
In 2012, it was announced that a Twisted Metal movie will be produced but sadly it never came to fruition. However, since Sony was confident enough to announce their plans to develop Twisted Metal for TV, it is likely already a done deal.
For now, not much else is known about the adaptation but it is likely more information will be shared to us during the upcoming State of Play live stream. With Uncharted and Twisted Metal both confirmed to be produced by PlayStation Productions, we are eager to see what other game titles will be adapted for movies and television.