Considering the smashing success of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, it’s hardly any surprise that there have been, and are, various Zelda-themed products on the gaming market. Following the expertly-customised Sheikah Nintendo Switch Mod from the folks at Makomod, an official one is set to arrive on the shores of North America – but not in the form of the red-slash-blue console.
Designed exclusively for the New 2DS XL, the Hylian Shield Edition borrows elements from the patterns of Link’s iconic shield, with grey accents against a splash of blue that bears the Hylian Crest and the Triforce symbol.
As a nod to the game where the Hylian Shield first made an appearance, the console rightly comes pre-loaded with The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds – the perfect blast to the past. Scheduled for a July 2, 2018 release, it will retail at US$159 solely on GameStop.
There has been no word of its availability in other countries thus far, though its exclusivity to the retail gaming destination means it’s likely to be a no-go. In the case that the Zelda-inspired console is planned for an international launch, a wait of reasonable length would be expected.
Minimalistic, recognisable, and retro-infused, the Hylian Shield New 2DS XL will certainly make for a welcome addition to the ever-growing list of cosmetics for the 3DS console family. Nintendo’s newest member just proves the impact the Zelda franchise has on the community, so here’s to hoping that the rest of the world can get their hands on it someday.