
Logitech’s Gear Wars contest

I think it would be every PC gamer’s dream to own a desktop set up just like this:

watercooling desktop

But unfortunately most of the time, this is the reality of some of our set-ups:


It’s fully functional and simply gets the job done. But it just ain’t as pretty as the preceding image.

Which is why I think this would be an opportune time to check out Logitech’s Gear Wars contest. A glance at the contests rules gives me the impression that the only limitation to how awesome your dream desktop could be is your imagination.

I personally own a Logitech MX518 and I feel that it performs and it way more durable compared to some other gaming mice manufacturers out there in the market. Though their cult may say otherwise.

Good luck! Do note the contest ends in about 2 weeks time on 14 July 2013.