
Kevin Hart Officially Joins Borderlands Movie Cast As Vault Hunter Roland

Kevin Hart is starring in yet another gaming adventure movie and no, it’s not Jumanji. The actor-comedian has signed on to star in Lionsgate’s adaptation of Borderlands.

Hart will play the skilled soldier Roland and will star alongside Cate Blanchett who plays Lilith. The actor’s casting has been in negotiation for months but it is officially set in stone now.

Whilst Borderlands isn’t the actor’s first video game to movie adaptation, Hart’s character Roland will see a different side of the comedian.

Hollywood is familiar with Hart’s loud-mouth and funny jokes but his character Roland is a military guy who seems dour, task-oriented and doesn’t interact much with people as he only speaks in short sentences. That said, this is Hart’s opportunity to show some versatility in his acting or to switch up the personification of the otherwise gloomy vault hunter.

“I’m thrilled to be working with Kevin,” said director Eli Roth in a statement. “Borderlands is a different kind of role for him, and we are excited to thrill audiences with a side of Kevin they’ve never seen before. He’s going to be an amazing Roland.”

The Borderlands video game launched in 2009, with its latest title Borderlands 3 debuting in September 2019. The series has sold more than 66 million units.

No release date has been set for Borderlands.