Some people have already watched the first ten minutes of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. I’ve got great news for those some people. The action scenes in the rest of the movie are far more brutal than in those first ten minutes and it only gets better! Wait, did I just say brutal? Maybe it was the impact of the impressive fight choreography in this movie. I dare say it’s better than “300: Rise of an Empire” (and I didn’t have to spill any blood to say that).
As the ninth installment in the Marvel cinematic universe (yes of course you need to count in the movie where Edward Norton plays The Incredible Hulk), this film is nothing short of amazing. Chris Evans is once again perfect as Steve Rogers / Captain America. In fact, I can now no longer associate him with Johnny Storm from Fantastic Four (or a Ken doll). Also perfect is Scarlett Johansson in a sexy tight body-hugging Black Widow outfit and although not as revealing as her dark past is in this movie, it was a brilliant choice to pair her up with the first avenger for most of it. Samuel L. Jackson finally gets more time (hmmm…) and action as Nick Fury. Moviegoers can expect an adrenaline pumping car chase scene that shows why the director of SH.I.E.L.D. is one bad mother [expletive].
New additions to the film are Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson / Falcon and Robert Redford as Alexander Pierce. Maybe I had high expections but I just didn’t find Robert‘s screen presence compelling enough. Perhaps Sean Connery would have been a better fit.
Now, as for the Winter Soldier, should I even mention who plays him? Comic book fans – especially those who follow Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting – will know the full story. It is their Winter Soldier saga that writers Christopher Markus and Stephen Mcfeely base their screenplay on.
I’ll stop here. I’m not going to spoil it for you. All I’m going to say is be prepared for one hell of a ride that the Russo brothers have laid out for you. Oh, and besides the customary cameo of Stan ‘THE MAN’ Lee, there is a welcome surprise of someone from the brothers / directors’ TV hit comedy Community.