
This Sailor Moon’s Moon Stick Lights Up When Used To Board The Metro In Taiwan

Most people are familiar with contactless smart cards, IC cards, which make commuting a breeze. In Singapore, there is the EZ-Link card. In Taiwan, there is the EasyCard. Of course, there’s no rule that says these things must be shaped like cards.

Enter EZ-Link charms. And for the Taipei Metro system, they have the EasyCard Moon Stick. EasyCard has been very creative with its IC card designs over the years, having made pop culture icons such as a Poké Ball and instant ramen keychains into IC cards. This is a detailed replica of one of the most recognisable anime artifacts ever, Sailor Moon‘s Moon Stick. It is a weapon wielded by the heroine in the first arc of both the manga and anime series, and now fans in Taiwan can use it for boarding the metro and shopping payments.

At 18cm in length, it lights up when it is being used. The EasyCard Moon Stick is priced at NT$1,799 (US$65.20), and can be pre-ordered through Momo from 18 January to 24 January.