
Dyson’s Upgraded 2021 Air Purifier Sets Formaldehyde In Its Sights

As the world shifts into state where we spend far more time in the home, the quality of the air matters even more. Compound this scenario with the fact that more folks are buying furniture to adapt to the work from home lifestyle, a fairly innocuous gas named formaldehyde could become a cause for concern.

Formaldehyde is commonly found in furniture, wooden products, paint, wallpapers, and varnishes. If this sounds exactly like a home under improvement, Dyson has got your back with their latest range of air purifiers. The new 2021 Dyson Purifier Cool Formaldehyde model, the air purifier features a solid-state sensor that trumps the competitors gel-based sensors.

What we get is a brand new air purifier, encased in the distinct Dyson design, which now filters out a new harmful gas on top of the existing air impurities in the home.

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A solid-state formaldehyde sensor is longer lasting and works alongside Dyson’s dedicated volatile organic compounds (VOC) sensor to purify the home’s air. The solid-state sensor uses an electrochemical cell that does not dry out over time compared to gel-based sensors.

While keeping the air clean is not an easy task, it does generate a fair amount of noise. For most who have owned a Dyson air purifier, it can become relatively loud at higher levels. With the new 2021 Dyson Pure Cool and Dyson Purifier Cool Formaldehyde, Dyson’s engineers have been able to cut down noise produced by the machine by 20%.

For all these improvements, the new Dyson Pure Cool and Dyson Purifier Cool Formaldehyde will retail for S$899 and S$999 respectively and will be available from 22 April 2021 onwards.

To find out more about the new purifier, Dyson is conducting a walkthrough with their engineers to get a glimpse at the inner workings of the device –

Stay tuned for the launch of the latest air purifier technology by Dyson on 22 Apr 2021, 8pm. Watch and ask us questions live! #DysonSG #DysonPurifier

Posted by Dyson on Wednesday, April 21, 2021