Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit is just about the most exciting physical creation from the Mario franchise alongside LEGO Mario. And while the prospect of zipping around your very own living room with the mini Mario kart may seem exciting, some furry friends just aren’t felin(e) this purrfect new toy.
Unlike the usual assumption that kitties have a penchant for leaping after every moving object that they see, these cats would rather scramble out of the way of the speedy Mario Kart. In fact, the poor furry friends seem to be rather traumatised by the toy, especially Unranked Podcast‘s little fluffball. (It’s a wonder that they didn’t just claw it out of existence due to fear.)
On the flip side, some bolder cattos have attempted to jump the poor toy…
Some cats even going as far as to plonk their butts in the way of the Mario Kart, in an attempt to block the circuit. (At which the owners are probably yowling, “You’ve gotta be kitten me!”)
Bonus: We have a befuddled doggo who valiantly tries to bork away the Kart.
It seems like our furry friends may not be as impressed about the Mario Kart Live as we are. However, we’re pretty sure that it’ll still be a pawsome toy to have around especially if you’re a fan of the Nintendo game.