
Aquaman 2 Writer Talks Sequel Inspiration And The Trench Spinoff Film

With most people stuck at home due to the COVID-19 outbreak, more celebrities have taken to social media to interact with their fans, including Miley Cyrus and John Legend. One such person is Aquaman 2’s screenwriter David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick who recently held an impromptu Q&A session on his Twitter.

During the Q&A, he revealed that the upcoming Aquaman sequel will not be based on any one comic book story. If fans want an idea of the feel they will be going with for the sequel, they should “pick up pretty much any Silver Age story featuring Black Manta.”

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Johnson-McGoldrick also received questions on the film’s screenplay to which he replied that all was good, “It’s going good! I’m texting with [James Wan] about the draft of the script right now — I think you’re gonna dig it!” 

2018’s Aquaman earned US$1.148 billion in the box office, making it the highest-grossing instalment in the DCEU franchise. It also received critical praise for its production design, writing, and all-around fun atmosphere, as opposed to the other gritty DCEU films released. Being such a well-received film, we can only hope that its follow up is as good as Johnson-McGoldrick makes it out to be. 

And based on what he’s saying, coupled with how the original film ended, it all but confirms the return of Yaha Abdul-Mateen II as the nefarious Black Manta, who received an unlikely new ally in Dr. Stephen Shin, played by Randall Park.

Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as Black Manta.

On his Twitter Q&A, Johnson-McGoldrick also revealed that the planned spinoff for The Trench will most likely be set in between the events of Aquaman and Aquaman 2. However as of right now, nothing is set in stone as they are still trying to figure things out.

“Theoretically, it takes place between 1 and 2. But some pieces of this is still being worked out.”

Aquaman 2 is slated to release in theatres on 16 December 2022, with filming expected to start sometime in mid-2021.