
Apple iPad Pro M4 (2024) Gaming Test – Honkai: Star Rail, Genshin Impact, COD: Warzone Mobile & PUBG

The Apple iPad series of tablets has established itself as a creative professional’s best companion, be it sketching, journaling, or general productivity. But the hardware boost that its new M4 processor brings presents an opportunity to get a bigger slice of another market – gaming.

Housed within the newly announced iPad Pro M4 for 2024, the upgraded chip touts a 50 percent increase in GPU performance over its M2 counterpart found in the previous-gen models. The first M4-powered experience is further enhanced by the all-new Tandem OLED technology, which packs two OLED displays into a slim frame.

The slimmest, in fact. Available in 11 and 13 inches, the tablet measures 5.5 millimetres and 5.1 mm respectively, making it the thinnest device in Apple’s history. Doubling down on its credentials as a lean, mean machine, the iPad Pro M4 easily held its own in a series of real-world tests involving Honkai: Star Rail, Genshin Impact, Call of Duty Warzone Mobile, and PUBG Mobile.

It’s one thing to blitz through all four titles, however, and another to beat the heat. This latest powerhouse pulled both off with breezy ease, clocking little to no frame rate drops and running under 35 degrees even under heavy loads.

Check out all the action in the video above.