
Agents of Mayhem Sees New Life as a Board Game

You may or may not recall Agents of Mayhem, an open world game released in August 2017 set in the same universe as Volition’s successful Saints Row series. Despite its unique characters and appealing aesthetic, the game received generally mediocre reviews due to its repetitive nature.

This year, it is getting a new lease of life as Agents of Mayhem: Pride of Babylon, a three-dimensional board game that is being developed by Academy Games, a developer that specialises in historical board games. Its Kickstarter campaign, launched in November 2017, aimed to achieve a goal amount of US$30,000 in fundraising. It has since been met with an overwhelming response and has smashed its goal with US$122,348 in funds at this point of time.

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The game plays out on a modular 3D board which pits two teams – the LEGION (the villains) versus the MAYHEM (the anti-heroes). Characters are diverse and customisable, and the gameplay is carried out in a fast team skirmish style. The destructible buildings, variations in player choices, and intense combat lets every game’s campaign turn out differently every time.

It looks like Agents of Mayhem has been given a chance to redeem itself in this new and quirky board game format, which hopefully will not disappoint. Look out for the completed board game, slated for release in September 2018.