
Apple iPhone 15 Pro Gaming Test: Assassin’s Creed Mirage (iOS)

If playing Resident Evil Village on the Apple iPhone 15 was not an impressive enough feat, maybe putting the iPhone 15 through its paces with a more recent title, Assassin’s Creed Mirage, will prove the naysayers wrong.

Equipped with the powerful A17 Pro Chip, the iPhone 15 handled the intricate streets and bustling crowds of Baghdad with surprising grace. As we controlled Basim Ibn Ishaq, the game’s protagonist, through daring freerunning sequences and intense combat encounters, the phone rarely missed a beat.

With the original game having been released in October 2023, the Assassin’s Creed Mirage is probably one of the most stressful games to grace the iOS platform. While some concessions had to be made compared to the console and PC versions, the game ran remarkably well in the early stages. We experienced smooth gameplay and impressive visuals as we explored the sprawling city.

Assassin's Creed Mirage ios

Of course, no device is perfect. There were occasional frame rate dips, especially during graphically intense scenes. However, a quick adjustment to the game’s graphics settings easily remedied these issues, resulting in a consistently smooth and enjoyable experience.

This port of Assassin’s Creed Mirage is a significant step forward for Apple’s gaming ambitions. The iPhone 15’s ability to handle such a demanding title demonstrates the increasing power and versatility of iOS devices. If Apple continues to attract developers and port more high-profile games to its platform, it could soon rival traditional gaming consoles.

Gaming has historically been a weakness for Apple, but the company is making significant strides. The impending launch of the VisionPro headset, combined with the impressive performance of the iPhone 15, signals a new era for Apple in the gaming world. It’s clear that Apple is committed to building a robust gaming ecosystem, and the future looks bright for iOS gamers.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage is now available on the iOS store.