
EA’s Dead Space Remake Will Have No Microtransactions

Yes, it has finally happened. After years of pleading and the bad aftertaste of what was Dead Space 3, EA will finally go back to the well of Isaac Clarke and the Necromorphs for a Dead Space remake. Although the teaser trailer did not reveal any more information, we do already know a few things about the upcoming remake, including no microtransactions in the return of Dead Space.

The game will feature an improved story, characters, gameplay mechanics, and hopefully more quality of life improvements. That is probably good enough for the majority of fans of the horror series. However, for those still worried about the shadow of microtransactions, you can rest easy.

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In an interview with IGN, Senior Producer Phil Ducharme emphasised that the EA Motive team are learning as much as possible from the past. This includes mistakes that were part of the old trilogy, and of course, microtransactions.

“We’re looking at what can be taken and reinjected into the first game from a future standpoint. We’re also learning from mistakes such as microtransactions, which we will not have, for instance, in our game,” Ducharme said.

That is excellent news for everyone interested in the game. Aside from the strange multiplayer aspect of the third Dead Space game, the presence of microtransactions was a big red flag. On a more positive note, the developers are looking to enhance the remake with the progress made in the trilogy.

Gameplay sections, such as the zero gravity portions of Dead Space 2, could be integrated. The narrative of the game will also be revised to lay out a clearer and cohesive picture for the franchise.

“For us, the foundation is the Dead Space 1 story. So, by default, that’s what is canon. But then there are some improvements that we want to make to that story,” Campos Oriola explained.

“And not necessarily improvements because those things were not really working in the original, more improvements because of what came after.”

New fans will certainly appreciate the chance to try out something beloved. EA is also taking the opportunity to tune up the accessibility options, giving more people the chance to enjoy Dead Space with modern bells and whistles and no microtransactions.

There is no release date yet for the Dead Space remake. Judging from the teaser trailer, we can probably expect Isaac to arrive sometime in 2022/2023.