
New Bimonthly Content For Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Arrives With New Frontier Pass

Firaxis GamesSid Meier’s Civilization VI is nothing but an addictive time-sink that can suck you into a world that is shaped and influenced by your decisions. Being able to make your mark in history is already an awesome feeling, but in a new shift in direction, the developers want you to constantly be coming back, just like a live service game. The New Frontier Pass will do just that.

Designed to be a new season pass, the New Frontier Pass will see the addition of eight new civilizations and nine new leaders, six new game modes, and more.

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“We’re very excited to be adding even more content to Civilization VI, ensuring longtime players and franchise newcomers have something fresh to look forward to in the months to come,” added Anton Strenger, lead game designer at Firaxis Games.

“By delivering new content on a regularly scheduled basis, we’ll have more opportunities than ever with the New Frontier Pass to connect with our community as we actively develop and deliver content.”

The additional content will be launched via six different DLC packs. Each will drop on a bimonthly basis, starting from May 2020 to March 2021. DLC packs can also be purchased individually. It is recommended that you own both the Gathering Storm and Rise and Fall expansions to enjoy the content fully.

Purchasing the Civilization VI – New Frontier Pass will also net players exclusive bonuses – the Teddy Roosevelt and Catherine De Medici Persona Packs. Each Persona Pack contains a brand-new take on a favourite leader, with a new leader model and background, new gameplay bonuses and an updated agenda that reflects the changes to the leader’s personality.

Rough Rider Teddy excels at keeping the peace on his home continent, while Magnificence Catherine can use Luxuries to overwhelm the world with Culture and Tourism. The Persona Packs will be available with the second DLC Pack in July.

Not forgetting players who may not be getting the New Frontier Pass, Firaxis will also be putting out regular free updates in between the DLC packs. Look forward to new maps, scenarios, balance updates, and more.

The Civilization VI – New Frontier Pass will be available for SG$54.90 on Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, PC, Mac and Linux, with mobile platforms arriving later this year.