
Gamers Band Together To Give Financially-Strapped Individuals Free Final Fantasy VII Remake Copies

A crisis can bring out the worst in humanity, but there are also times where the good makes a shining appearance. In an admirable act of compassion and wholesomeness, ten random Redditors have joined forces to offer free copies of Final Fantasy VII Remake to those who are experiencing financial difficulties due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

An initiative started by Reddit user frumpybuffalo, it involves individuals sharing their stories of how the virus lockdown has impacted their lives. The thread, which was originally posted on 4 April 2020, managed to garner a fair share of replies, alongside some well-deserved compliments on the goodwill effort.

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One user expressed his wish to get the game for his mechanic friend, who is saving up to go to college, but doesn’t have a lot of money on hand. Another wrote about how his work hours have been cut down, which affects his income stability as the sole breadwinner of the family. As far as praise goes, there’s a comment that reads, “I’m not participating but just wanted to say you guys are awesome for doing this. There’s nothing like the kindness of strangers.” A similar sentiment follows, “I’m not in need, so I don’t want to be entered, but I just want to tell you how kind your soul is. It is extremely nice of you to be doing this for a fan during this hard time. God bless, and stay safe!”.

A total of 10 winners have been picked using a random number generator, after which Final Fantasy VII Remake will be gifted to them via PayPal or a digital PSN gift card.

It’s a small, heartwarming gesture from the gaming community, made especially more important during these times of struggle. In a world where every passing day is met with uncertainty and bleakness, a simple act as such can go a long, long way in making someone’s day better.