With Two Point Hospital delivering the laughs that are just the cherries on top of a great business/management sim, we can expect Two Point Studios and SEGA‘s upcoming Two Point Campus to be even better while focusing on academics. The later course reveal sees an interesting addition to the curriculum of Two Point Campus in the form of Spy School.
Students can get ready to learn the art of drone flying, engage in target practice, and try to overcome obstacle courses filled with crocodiles and lasers.
To make things even spicier, players will have to sniff out enemies of Two Point County by relying on your keen sense of observation. These dastardly villains are trying to infiltrate your school by posing as students, so watch out for suspicious classmates and expel them before you lose all your secrets.

Following this reveal, we also know that Two Point Campus will feature courses in Wizardry, Archaeology, and Gastronomy. There is also Knight school, and we can expect even more whacky additions to be revealed in the coming months.
Two Point Campus is set to launch on PC (available on PC Game Pass on day one) and PS4/5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch this coming 10 August,