Team Edward fans rejoice! An animated series based on Midnight Sun, a Twilight companion novel written by Stephenie Meyer has been greenlit by Netflix.
In a post on Netflix’s Tudum, more details were revealed of the upcoming series, which follows the events of the novel, a retelling of the Twilight story from the perspective of vampire heart-throb Edward Cullen.
Meyer will take on the role of executive producer, alongside her Fickle Fish Films partner Meghan Hibbet. Temple Hill Entertainment and Picturestart will also have a hand in production, with Sinead Daly of The Walking Dead: World Beyond and Tell Me Lies fame serving as executive producer and writer.
The original four novels in the Twilight series were published by Meyer between 2005 to 2008, eventually spawning its own five-film franchise, The Twilight Saga, which grossed over US$3 billion at the global box office.
Although there has been no news as of yet regarding release dates or casting details, the announcement itself is sure to keep fans excited for things to come.