Montgomery Scott: “The Enterprise. Show me the bridge of the Enterprise. N-C-C-1-7-0-1. No bloody A – B – C – or D!”
Scotty was referring to the original USS Enterprise from the 1966 cult TV show Star Trek (Who knows which episode that this line is from?) of course, which happens to celebrate its 50th anniversary this year. But his line is apt, because the original iconic ship is the one that fans truly want.
And here it is. Of course, this screen-accurate replica of the USS Enterprise is circa J.J. Abrams 2009 reboot of the TV series, and I don’t know about you, but this is as good as it gets. Made by the folks at Quantum Mechanics, this model was modelled after the same digital master files used to create the visual effects in the movie, and built from the ground up.
The almost three-foot-long (34 inches long by 15.7 inches wide by 7 inches tall) replica is fully hand-airbrushed, and includes plenty of detailing, such as the tiny shuttlecraft in the shuttle bay. Only the ship’s name and registry numbers are created with decals. Take a closer look at the intricate hull plating on the sides of the ship, and marvel at the 200 custom-built lighting that fill the ship.
There’s the plasma effect from inside the impulse engines, and custom circuits to recreate the look of each warp nacelle. And check out the lights on the deflector dish. And if you want to control the ship, it won’t fly but the QMx Artisan Enterprise does come with a custom remote to control the interior, warp and impulse, formation and auxiliary lighting of the ship.
But if you truly want something different, the company is offering customisation for your made-to-order starship Enterprise. The shuttle bay doors can be left closed, open or partly opened, and there’s also the custom engraved based that the ship sits on. But the most exciting is the weathering and battle damage that can be applied to the hull.
That’s the good news. The bad news? The company only plans to make 250 of these ships, so hurry if you have US$7,000 to spare.
And no, it does not fly, nor does it teleport, so shipping is another cost to factor in.
But if you’re ready, Make it so.