The Head, a chilling new survival thriller series, has just received a premiere date and new trailer courtesy of WarnerMedia Entertainment Networks. The series is produced by HBO Asia, in association with Hulu Japan and The Mediapro Studio.
Set in the remote Polaris VI international polar station in Antarctica, the series follows an international group of scientists who, one day, find themselves isolated from the world. Tension builds between the scientist thanks to the claustrophobic polar station and the long, dark Antarctic nights.
Here is HBO Asia’s official synopsis for The Head,
Winter has fallen on the South Pole. The sun will soon disappear for the next six months. A small team of scientists, known as the Winterers, will remain at the Polaris VI Antarctic Research Station to continue their innovative research. Their work is crucial in the fight against climate change and they are under the command of renowned biologist Arthur Wilde (John Lynch). But when spring comes, summer commander Johan Berg (Alexander Willaume) returns to the station only to find most of the team dead or missing. A killer is on the loose and Annika (Laura Bach), Johan’s wife, is missing too. If he wants to find her alive, he will have to trust Maggie (Katherine O’Donnelly), the young doctor who is profoundly shaken and apparently the sole survivor from the group… or, is there someone else who survived?
The international cast of The Head includes Tomohisa Yamashita (Code Blue), John Lynch (The Terro), Katherine O’Donnelly (Mary Queen of Scots), Alexandre Willaume (Below the Surface), Laura Bach (Sprinter Galore), Sandra Andreis (The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo), Amelia Hoy (Killing Eve), Chris Reilly (Everest), Richard Sammel (Inglorious Basterds) and Tom Lawrence (The Crown).
“The moment Hulu Japan joined us, we felt it is more than just a regular collaboration. The opportunity to include a Japanese character in this international thriller was a challenge we embraced from the first moment,” said Mediapro Studios’ Head of International Production Ran Teller, in regards to their partnership with Hulu Japan (via RapidTVNews). “Having Tomohisa as part of our cast is a great addition to The Head. Together with his acting abilities and charm, he brings a fresh approach, a new world rarely seen on European shows.”
Tomohisa, more widely known as Yamapi amongst fans, is a singer-actor from Japan who is widely known for starring in the hit medical drama Code Blue. Code Blue The Movie, the latest film he starred in, was the highest-grossing film of 2018 and the fifth all-time highest-grossing live-action film in Japan. He has also starred in a number of Japanese dramas including Nobuta wo Produce, Kurosagi, and Buzzer Beat.
The Head will premiere on HBO and HBO Go on 12 June 2020.