Solo Leveling, the acclaimed anime adaptation of Chugong and the late DUBU’s (REDICE Studio) manhwa, is set to return for its second season, titled Solo Leveling Season 2 -Arise from the Shadow-.
The announcement was made through a video released by the show’s staff, with Crunchyroll confirming it will stream the upcoming season. The anime, produced by A-1 Pictures, originally aired from January to March 2024 and comprised 12 episodes.
Set in a world bridged by gates to monstrous dimensions, the story centres on Sung Jinwoo, an E-Rank hunter who, after a near-fatal dungeon encounter, gains unique abilities allowing him to grow stronger through leveling up. The first season chronicled Jinwoo’s journey from the weakest hunter to acquiring the powers of the Shadow Monarch.
Season 1 concluded with Jinwoo’s transformation into a Shadow Monarch, setting the stage for the Red Gate Arc in Season 2. Episode 13 is eagerly awaited by fans, especially after the climactic events on Jeju Island in the season finale.
Crunchyroll has slated Solo Leveling Season 2 for release in the fourth quarter of 2024, promising an additional 13 episodes to complete the 25-episode storyline initially planned. While Japan considers this continuation as the second half of the first season, Crunchyroll simplifies this by labelling it as Season 2.
Shunsuke Nakashige (Sword Art Online) directs the series. The music is composed by Hiroyuki Sawano, known for his work on Attack on Titan, The Seven Deadly Sins, and other notable series. The opening theme, titled LEveL, is performed by TOMORROW X TOGETHER and Sawano.
The original Solo Leveling manhwa, launched in 2018 and concluded in 2021, has been published in English by Yen Press and in Japanese by Kadokawa. With just 45 of the 200 chapters covered in Season 1, the upcoming season has ample material for adaptation, promising more thrilling adventures and character development for Sung Jinwoo and the ensemble cast.