Everybody’s favourite cooking mayhem game will be heading to the PlayStation5 and Xbox Series X in a combined definitive edition titled Overcooked! All You Can Eat.
The definitive edition will bring remasters of both Overcooked! and Overcooked! 2 and feature over 200 levels to play in which includes seven brand new levels as well as three new chefs to choose from. The games will be available in 60FPS with 4K resolution.

The development team has reworked content from Overcooked! using Overcooked! 2’s engine, meaning you will soon be able to play levels in Overcooked! online with your friends, regardless of the console used as Overcooked! All You Can Eat will also feature cross-play multiplayer support.
Most importantly, for those who find themselves constantly overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of the game, the developers have noted that the bundle will come with more accessibility options and an assist mode. Now players will be able to skip levels, slow down timeouts on recipes, and increase the duration of rounds. There will also be options to turn on dyslexic-friendly text, and colour blindness options.

There is no release date announced for the bundle edition yet, in part due to both next-gen consoles not giving a definitive date for their release beyond “Holiday 2020”. However, once the game is released, you will be able to purchase it physically or digitally on the PS5 and Xbox Series X.
Meanwhile, if you’re on the lookout for more multiplayer mayhem from Team17, the house-moving spiritual successor Moving Out offers something similar yet different.