
Original ‘Blade’ Star Wesley Snipes Jabs At Messy MCU ‘Blade’ Reboot

Marvel Studios is experiencing another setback with its anticipated reboot of Blade, as director Yann Demange has recently stepped down from the project. This marks the second directorial departure for the film, adding to the ongoing production challenges that have previously led to delays in Marvel’s schedule.

The news comes amidst a historical pattern for the franchise, with the first Blade movie starring Wesley Snipes having set a high benchmark back in 1998. Snipes, who brought the vampire hunter to life in the original trilogy, playfully commented on the current delays via social media. His remarks hint at a blend of nostalgia and skepticism about the new direction Marvel is taking.

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“Blade, lordylordylordy,” Wesley Snipes tweeted. “Folks still lookin for the secret sauce, ridin snowmobiles in traffic, kinda rough. Daywalkers make it look easy, don’t they?” His playful jabs underline a watchful eye on the reboot’s challenges while recalling the relative smoothness of his own Blade era.

Despite the tease, Snipes has shown support for the new Blade, particularly when Mahershala Ali was cast in the titular role. In a past report by Entertainment Weekly, Snipes endorsed Ali, acknowledging the demanding role that lies ahead for the new lead.

The Blade franchise, known for its darker, horror-centric tone, was groundbreaking at its inception, merging martial arts and vampire mythology with a superhero narrative. Snipes’ portrayal was pivotal in establishing Blade as a cult figure in Marvel’s darker corners, setting the stage for the R-rated comic book films that would follow.

Marvel Blade
Mahershala Ali’s Blade

The reboot has seen multiple shifts in its creative team since its announcement at San Diego Comic-Con in 2019. Initially set for a 2023 release, the film’s timeline has been pushed back multiple times, now eyeing a 7 November 2025 debut. The project has changed hands from original director Bassam Tariq to Demange, and now seeks a new director after the recent exit. Scripting duties have also seen several turnovers, with Thor: Ragnarok and Black Widow writer Eric Pearson currently tasked with the latest screenplay.

Amid these shifts, Marvel continues to navigate a complex landscape of fan expectations and production realities. Snipes’ remarks, while humorous, underscore a broader uncertainty about whether the new Blade can recapture the sharp edge that defined its earlier iterations.

Wesley Snipes
Wesley Snipes’ Blade

As Marvel recalibrates its approach to one of its more unique characters, the industry watches closely. The success of Ali in embodying the iconic Blade, coupled with Marvel’s strategic direction, will be critical as the studio aims to blend legacy with a modern narrative. Meanwhile, fans of Snipes’ original portrayal remain vocal and nostalgic, reminding Marvel of the high stakes involved in reviving the Daywalker for a new generation.