Santa Cruz Skateboards, a legendary name in the skateboarding world, has teamed up with the iconic Pokémon franchise to create a series of limited-edition decks and apparel that will have fans of all ages excited to roll out and catch ’em all.
Most notably, the two brands will be releasing a blind bag collection where each sealed blind bag contains one 8-inch randomly assorted variant skateboard featuring an iconic Pokémon character. The set includes 15 holo foil variants, each featuring a different Pokémon printed over silver prismatic rainbow glitter foil and silver metallic paint that’s sure to catch the eyes of fellow skaters. Whether you’re a fan of the electrifying Pikachu or silly Magikarp, or even the OG starter trio, there’s a skateboard deck for you.
Just like with any blind bag, there are rare variants to be found. There are five special gold foil editions — featuring Pikachu, Eevee, Gyarados, Charizard, and Mimikyu — where black and metallic gold ink graces a radiant metallic gold foil base. Only 50 of each special design exists in the entire world, making them prime candidates for any collector.
This unique collaboration will also see the release of graphic tees, hoodies and headwear that will fit right in to a hypebeast’s wardrobe.
The Santa Cruz Skateboards x Pokémon collaboration is a limited-edition release, which means these decks and apparel won’t be around forever. The collection drops globally on 13 September, 9am EST.