LEGO Sembo Blocks

China’s Brick-Building Toy Makers Are Navigating Patent Minefields To Avoid LEGO’s Wrath

China’s growing number of brick-building toy manufacturers are slowly picking up the pieces left from LEGO’s tight grip on the industry, as they aim to develop new toys and sets without getting in trouble with the Danish toy king.

LEGO’s bricks can be considered cultural icons. Fans of toys and various pop culture franchises, such as Star Wars, Super Mario, and Harry Potter look forward to every new set released by the Danish toy company. China has many answers for the timeless appeal of brick-building toys.

LEGO Sembo Blocks Chinatown Series
Sembo Blocks’ Chinatown Series

One of them is Sembo Blocks, founded in 2015 and has sets themed around street scenes, military vehicles, and more. Another one is Bloks, also founded in 2015, which has sets based on Peppa Pig, the Forbidden City, and more.

LEGO Bloks Peppa Pig
One of Bloks’ Peppa Pig sets

Still, with LEGO being the dominant force in the industry holding thousands of patents, the other toymakers have to navigate a minefield to avoid infringing upon said patents. Those patents fall into two general types, the first being the specific methods for the way the bricks interlock, and the second being the appearance of the bricks and sets.

The former is more complicated and technical, while the latter is much easier to understand. Lepin‘s sets, for example, directly copied the designs of LEGO sets, which resulted in the company’s owner being fined and jailed. Because the company was a straight-up pirate.

Given the number of patents LEGO holds, it can be difficult to avoid some kind of friction with the company though, no matter how carefully one treads. But some toy companies in China are happy to push the boundaries (illegally and morally) in order to achieve profits at all costs.

As toy lovers, while LEGO holds a special place in our hearts, we are also glad to see other toy makers come up with their spin on the brick-building genre. As long as they aren’t flagrant copycats, more toys are always welcome. Oxford Block is a prime example of that. As for whether Sembo Bricks and Bloks can come into their own and establish a strong and unique brick-building identity, that’s something only time will tell.