For 28 years, the Super Mario Bros. The Movie archive team has been working towards obtaining and restoring a bunch of deleted scenes from the 1993 live-action movie. Now, that work is finally complete, with the team releasing the extended cut on The Internet Archive.
Super Mario Bros: The Morton Jankel Cut is now available for viewing on The Internet Archive and includes additional 20 minutes to the run time. The additional 20 minutes includes subplots like Mario and Luigi competing with a Mafia-affiliated plumbing company and Koopa executing a henchman by submerging him in slime. Supporting characters Iggy and Spike also performed a rap after the film’s climax. Various scenes throughout the live-action movie have also been re-edited and extended as well.
Super Mario Bros. was a critical and commercial failure upon its release, with many fans upset that the movie didn’t resemble and didn’t have close connections to the game it was based on. The film also had a troubled production process and poor script that required multiple reworks. With the extended cut, fans can hopefully get a better grasp of the movie’s more adult conception.
Currently, another Super Mario Bros. animated film is in the works for 2022 with creator Shigeru Miyamoto as co-producer. Hopefully, this version will be a truer representation of the game and will receive the love the live-action movie never got.