Whereas other publishers are announcing their game launches purely through online video events this year, Devolver Digital has taken things one step further by having not only an online showcase but also a game that serves to help plug its other upcoming games, Devolverland Expo.
Free now on Steam, Devolverland Expo is a first-person shooter of sorts that is set in an abandoned gaming convention. Players will have to walk through the empty hallways, shooting down security systems to acquire trailers and gameplay demos for Devolver Digital’s upcoming games like Shadow Warriors 3, Carrion, and Weird West.

If this sounds like a rather shameless marketing scheme to have players find out more about the publisher’s other game, well, that’s because it is. Devolver Digital isn’t shy about calling Devolverland Expo a “marketing simulator” as well on the game’s Steam page.
At least this is a novel and interesting way for gamers to find out more about a publisher’s upcoming games as compared to the standard online showcase. We even get the added benefit of walking through a gaming convention, minus the crowd.