Batman Returns & Supergirl Debuts In The Flash Super Bowl Trailer

Batman Returns & Supergirl Debuts In ‘The Flash’ Super Bowl Trailer

It’s finally here, The Flash has finally received its first official trailer during the Super Bowl, and there is certainly plenty of time-bending action to be here this coming June 2023. An extended look saw Barry Allen’s Flash, Michael Keaton’s Batman, and Supergirl get most of the spotlight, but there was also time for General Zod to appear as well.

For its premise, the fast-moving hero travels through time trying to find a world where his deceased mother is still alive, creating a time paradox that could destroy everything. Throughout this journey, we bear witness to several realities, where Zod and Supergirl go at it, as well as one where Keaton’s Batman is still active.

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Of course, the Flash is no stranger to time travel, but he is going to need some help from himself if he is to save the day once again, as shown in the trailer. Expect to see even more familiar and surprising faces if this theme is fully realised in the movie.

Batman Returns & Supergirl Debuts In The Flash Super Bowl Trailer

Although The Flash is only a few months away, doubts still remain simply because of the fact that star Ezra Miller has been involved in many controversies. It remains to be seen just how much of that will affect the film and its marketing, but the Super Bowl trailer for The Flash should mean that things are on course for the launch this 16 June in theaters.