After 19 long years, our wait is finally over. Soon, we will return to the RPG industry’s roleplaying roots in Baldur’s Gate 3: The Black Hound.
However, this may not exactly be the Baldur’s Gate you’ve come to know and love. Instead of being developed by BioWare, who cut their teeth with this RPG series, this time the reins have been handed over to smaller, but equally capable hands in Larian Studios.
The Belgian dev is responsible for Divinity: Original Sin and its sequel — critically-acclaimed RPGs that have definitely taken chunks of inspiration from Baldur’s Gate. So if anything, Baldur’s Gate 3: The Black Hound will no doubt garner high expectations for many an eager gamer.
The story of Baldur’s Gate 3 will undoubtedly take place in the titular port city of Baldur’s Gate in the Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms setting. From the trailer, it seems that the city has been ravaged by an otherworldly race of iconic D&D creatures known as the Mind Flayers or Illithids.
While there isn’t any further information on the game aside from the trailer, one can expect full character creation and customisation, as was the case with the original Baldur’s Gates. Also in keeping with the spirit of the original games, this looks to be an isometric strategy RPG, which they were also renowned for and what inspired games like Dragon Age, Pillars of Eternity and the aforementioned Divinity: Original Sin.
Finally, while there are no mentions of the iconic cast of characters from the original games, you wouldn’t be wrong to expect fan-favourite party members like Minsc & Boo, Edwin, Viconia and more to make a return.
For a long time fans have been clamouring for a sequel to the classic 1998 and 2001 games, and now Larian, in conjunction with Wizards of the Coast, will finally bring the beloved franchise to current-gen platforms.
Expect Larian and Wizards to divulge more information, such as release date and playable platforms about Baldur’s Gate 3: The Black Hound in the coming weeks and months.
Marion has a serious RPG addiction. Sometimes it bleeds into real life; he forgets to sleep because he thinks he has a Witcher’s body clock. Forgive him in advance if he suddenly blurts out terms such as “Mind Flayer” and “Magic Missile”, because never once does he stop thinking about his next Dungeons & Dragons game.