If there’s a universal liking of any kind, it’d be free goodies. Free services, free products, free content – we’ll take whatever that comes our way. Apple has been generous in this department, offering newcomers in Singapore a free trial subscription for Apple TV+ to June this year.

Alas, all good things come to end. Today marks the last day of free service on the streamer, which means current subscribers will have to start paying the monthly fee of S$6.98 starting tomorrow, 1 July.
“Eligible devices activated July 1, 2021 or later will qualify for offers of 3 months
free Apple TV+, while those activated on June 30, 2021 or earlier will qualify for
offers of 1 year free Apple TV+,” reads the Terms and Conditions page on the official Apple TV website.
To this effect, newcomers and individuals who activate their newly-purchased devices after today will no longer be entitled to a one-year free trial. Instead, they’ll have to make the full payment after three months of use. It goes without saying, but the three-month trial doesn’t apply to those who have already accepted the one-year deal, so there won’t be any stacked offers of any sort.
In light of the termination, users who are not keen on extending their use of Apple TV+ are reminded to unsubscribe, while the rest should prepare to fork over their cash – more so if they are also subscribed to Netflix, Disney+, and HBO GO all at the same time.