AppleTV+ has ordered an animated kids’ series based on the popular collectable bear-shaped figures. Titled ‘Be@rbrick‘, the series will feature 13 episodes and will be a music-driven comedy hailing from DreamWorks Animation and Dentsu Inc.
In Be@rbrick, young singer-songwriter Jasmine and her bandmates pursue their dreams and inspire others to do the same. Unfortunately, pursuing your dreams isn’t as easy as it seems when you’re living in a world where everyone’s role is chosen for them.
In addition, the painted-on look these characters receive when they graduate from high school also determines who they’d be for the rest of their life – regardless of what their dreams are – so it’s up to Jasmine and her friends to make a change for themselves.
While DreamWorks Animation and Dentsu Inc will produce and animate the series, Meghan McCarthy (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) will serve as executive producer and showrunner.
No release date has been set for Be@rbrick.