
PlayStation Teams Up With The China Hero Project To Launch New RPGs And More

Remember when Sony PlayStation famously withdrew their attendance at E3 2019? Well, here’s part of what they’ve been up to recently.

Their recent appearance at ChinaJoy 2019 was a fruitful one indeed, with the announcement of the new China Hero Project program. This is an incubation program, which sees PlayStation aiding various budding game devs in China and across Asia with their upcoming titles.

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Of the games that have been borne under the China Hero Project include the likes of:

Convallaria by Chengdu LoongForce Technology

Anno Mutationem by Beijing ThinkingStars Technology

InNightmare by YiXing Network Technology

AI Limit by Palm Pioneer

Evotinction by Spikewave Game

Interestingly, Lost Soul Aside by UltiZero Games, arguably one of the most-hyped projects in the list, was noticeably absent from the lineup in favour of focusing on development. The action-RPG had quite the reception when it was first unveiled by creator Yang Bing back in 2016.

The exact release dates for these games remains to be seen, but expect more announcements to come from the China Hero Project’s Twitter.