
Zack Snyder’s Justice League Trilogy Would Have Seen The Son Of Superman And Lois Become Batman

By now, we all know that Zack Snyder had big plans for the DC universe. His intention to create more DC movies after Justice League, however, this became unlikely after his exit from the project due to personal reasons.

Given the success of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, there are now calls from the fans to “#RestoreTheSnyderverse” 

After the release of Zack Snyder’s Justice League on 18 March, everyone was left with a massive cliffhanger. “When I made the film originally, it was part of a five-part trilogy,” Snyder told Vanity Fair. Unfortunately for us, we won’t be able to see more of the Snyderverse, but it’s already a miracle to have the Snyder Cut out for everyone to watch. 

Snyder had even enlisted DC Comics’ legendary artist Jim Lee to help him plot the narrative out for the future DC movies he had planned. “Jim Lee had done some drawings for me of the entire thing, the entire pantheon all the way to the new Batman after Batman dies,” he said. “Well, this is a spoiler” he quickly added. 

And who would be worthy of the cowl?

If Snyder’s vision were to remain intact, he had plans for the son conceived by Clark Kent and Lois Lane to become the next Dark Knight. 

Snyder shared that he would have hinted Lois’ pregnancy at the end of the movie where a pregnancy test is seen on her nightstand. Lois Lane’s pregnancy was a storyline that Warner Bros. wanted to cut from the movie before Snyder left the project in 2017. However, it does entertain the idea that footage of this scene does exist.

The baby was presumably conceived back in Superman vs Batman. When Snyder mentioned a new Batman, this was where he would come in. “It was going to be Lois and Superman’s son,” he said. “He doesn’t have any powers, and then he was going to end up being the new Batman,” as told to Variety.

Fast forward into the Snyderverse, Clark Kent and Lois Lane bring their son to the all-familiar Batcave and ask him to pick up where their fallen friend left off.  “Twenty years later, on the anniversary of [Batman’s] death, they take young Bruce Kent down to the Batcave and they say, ‘Your Uncle Bruce would’ve been proud if you did this,” Snyder said.

In the comics, “Superboy” is a title that has been bestowed upon by many individuals who have the same powers as Superman. Only recently, Jon Kent was introduced as the progeny of Clark and Lois. As for Batman, that might fall onto Damian Wayne one day.

It’s quite a diversion from what the fans know of DC’s anchor superheroes towards a direction not quite grounded in past material.

Zack Snyder has indeed a greater vision for the franchise but with him not being part of the project anymore, it’ll be a shame to not see the promising plans he has in mind.