
Wish Granted As Dave Bautista Will Be In Gears of War… Kinda

Dave Bautista has never made it a secret that he wants to star as Marcus Fenix in the Gears of War film, but yet despite enthusiastic pleas from both him and his fans, it does not seem like he will be getting the role. 

So, to make up for it, Gears of War developer The Coalition have offered Bautista the next best thing – a playable role in the upcoming Gears 5

You read that right, you will soon be able to play as Dave Bautista in a video game. 

The announcement came via Bautista’s own Twitter account, where he tweeted “It’s about damn time.”

Damn right you are, Bautista. 

The Guardians of the Galaxy and former WWE star will be a playable character in Gears 5 multiplayer from September 15 onwards, and while we still have no idea what his skills will be nor what his character will look like, this is still very much welcome news. 

Even with a role in Gears 5, it seems The Animal is still hopeful that he’ll land himself a role in Gears of War.

Apart from appearing in Gears 5, Bautista will also be starring in 2020’s Dune reboot by Warner Bros.