Celebrating Singapore’s birthday in the year of COVID-19 calls for an unprecedented and unorthodox approach, with health and safety concerns pushing festivities and performances to the online platform.
The lack of an electric live atmosphere and physical distance does not mean that the red and white pride will fizzle out, however, as the AnimalCrossingCelebrations Facebook page looks to unite Singaporeans for National Day through a costume party in Animal Crossing.
Taking place on 9 August 2020, the event encourages local players to wear any one of the custom Singapore-themed outfits, take an in-game selfie, and post it online. There are 15 creations in total, all of which are inspired by local pop culture influences like Mr Kiasu, as well as the traditional costumes from various cultures and races including the Kebaya, Sari, Qipao, Kurta, and Baju Kurung.
All download codes (available now till 16 August) have been added to their corresponding photos in the above post, but here is the full list for easier reference:
- PCF Uniform: MO-7MCV-M0P0-QT8T
- Liang Xi Mei: MO-B6T1-YKDS-M70Y
- Kebaya: MO-0LC5-KY4C-JRN2
- Mr. Kiasu: MO-KNDB-NK05-KLR8 / MO-49XG-BHL1-7CYM
- Stand-Up Stacey: MO-H67L-1WMC-K2K7, Move-in Martin: MO-VTP4-30LT-CL68 (1 set)
- Smarty of the Bookworm Club: MO-QS54-0CCP-L80X
- Merli: MO-JC7C-G6MC-LPJV and MO-TK0P-VPST-50Y2
- Team Singapore Athlete Jacket: MO-TPBF-VRXW-04V2
- Baju Kurung: MO-SJPT-XYSB-CMY4
- Kurta: MO-KWFJ-SKV2-G6WG
- Qipao: MO-XWMQ-K2C5-GLWL
- Sari: MO-WS1M-F37T-SB4G
Ah, those are some familiar names indeed. The popularity some might have faded over time (Bookworm Club, anyone?), but they were undeniably a part of Singapore’s cultural identity at one point or another. A neat, wholesome, and welcome homegrown project, this will certainly make for some great memories down the road. Join the celebration, folks.